Bride & Groom
Couple Only
Acrylic painting of Couple Only posed within the venue. Painted during wedding on any size canvas listed below.
Includes 2-3 minute video time-lapse of painting process.
18”x24” 24" x 36"
$3,525 $5,125
Pricing does not include travel fees for weddings
2+ hours outside of Orlando, FL
Click below to check if your wedding date is currently
available for a Live Wedding Painting with Shani Lynn Art.
Guests Included
Couple with Guests
Acrylic painting of Couple posed within the venue. Guests painted loosely in the background.
Painted during wedding on any size canvas listed below.
Includes 2-3 minute video time-lapse of painting process.
18”x24” 24" x 36"
$4,225 $5,825
Pricing does not include travel fees for weddings
2+ hours outside of Orlando, FL
Click below to check if your wedding date is currently
available for a Live Wedding Painting with Shani Lynn Art.